Monday, October 22, 2012

Rainbow eucalyptus

On the road to Hana there is a stand of Eucalyptus deglupta. Brought to Maui from Papua New Guinea or some other Pacific Island, the tree is unique and breathtaking. It's the only species of eucalyptus native to the Northern Hemisphere, and it's the only tree I've ever seen with such colorful bark. No trip to Hana is complete without a pause to admire these beautiful trees.

Eucalyptus deglupta (Rainbow Eucalyptus) from afar.

Up close and personal with the rainbow of colors.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


Thigmotropism. If you took biology in high school, you learned this word. Here's a little reminder...

Thigmotropism is what Botanists call it when plants can respond to touch by moving. The most commonly known example is the Venus Fly Trap. A bug crawls in, the plant senses the touch, and snaps shut to trap the insect. These ferns, which we found along the Hana Highway, are thigmotropic. Very cool!